Reef Culture Co Epic Dead On Arrival (DOA) Policy

Hey there, fellow reef enthusiasts! At Reef Culture Co, we're all about delivering the sickest and healthiest marine life to your door. We get it - you want your corals to arrive alive and thriving. So, check out our kick-ass DOA policy that ensures your satisfaction while keeping it real. Here are the deets:

DOA Guarantee:
We've got your back with a solid 3-day guarantee on all retail coral purchases. If you get a coral that's DOA or kicks the bucket within 3 days of delivery, shoot us an email at support@reefcultureco.com. Don't forget to include some vivid pics of the deceased coral. Make sure to use WHITE light and even video. We may request you provide a list of your aquarium's before claiming DOA.

Store Credit, Baby:
In the unfortunate event that one or more of your corals croak within 3 days, we'll hook you up with STORE CREDIT ONLY for the deceased coral. Time to plan your next epic coral haul!

Shipping Costs, let's have real talk.
We don't cover any shipping costs for DOA corals. But here's the deal: if you want a free reshipment, you gotta drop an additional $275 on top of the credit we're giving you. Want to use your credit without spending extra dough? No problem, just pay a $50 shipping fee before we send out your replacement corals.

Out with the Old, In with the New:
When we replace your DOA corals, we'll do our best to score you the same coral. But if it's not available, don't sweat it! We'll hook you up with a similar or equally rad coral as a replacement. And if there are no similar corals in sight, we'll offer you credit equal to the original purchase price.

No Refunds, Dudes and Dudettes:
We're all about keeping it real, so let's be clear: NO REFUNDS on coral purchases, my friends. Any issues with your corals will be resolved with a coral credit. Cancelling an order? No worries, we'll set you up with a store credit that's good for one whole year. How awesome is that?

One-Time Replacement, Yo:
You get one shot at a replacement for DOA corals - no second chances here. We're all about fairness, so additional discounts or sale codes can't be applied to DOA credited corals or replacement corals. Let's keep it straight-up!

Our Rules, Our Game:
We've gotta lay down some ground rules, folks. If you're rocking non-reef safe fish or your tank's parameters are way out of whack, we gotta void our guarantee. So, play it safe and keep your reef tank in top shape!

Pics or It Didn't Happen:
When it comes to DOA corals, we need some solid evidence. So make sure to snap clear, accurate white light photos that show the damage or, sadly, the dead coral. We'll work our magic from there!

For any support or questions about your order, hit us up at support@reefcultureco.com. Give us the full rundown and include some epic pics. We're here to make your reef dreams come true!


Holding Corals

From time to time customers will buy a coral from us and ask us to hold for shipping. We will do this but only under the conditions outlined here. It is the customers responsibility to reach out to us to tell us to ship them their coral. This is really important. Under no circumstances will we refund you in cash. If your coral dies in our care. That sucks we will give you store credit. If you never respond to us to ship you the coral. Ok store credit. It’s very simple if you buy a coral and ask us to hold it, delay shipping of the coral, etc etc we will only credit you with store credit if something goes wrong. If we’re holding this coral for an extended time, over 30 days, we reserve the right to begin charging you rent. Taking care of corals is a full time job. We love our job but we aren’t a free day care. Be reasonable with us and work with us and we will with you. Have a great day! 


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