Greetings, reef rebels and coral connoisseurs! Are you ready to dive headfirst into the technicolor dream world of Goniopora, or as we like to call them, the Amazeballs Gonis? Yes, you heard right – Amazeballs. Because when you gaze upon their vibrant oranges and mesmerizing blue tips, you’ll be saying, “Amaze-balls!” faster than a clownfish darts into an anemone.


The Goniopora Saga: More Than Just a Pretty (Coral) Face

Goniopora, affectionately dubbed ‘Goni’ by those in the coral cult (yes, that’s you and me, baby), isn’t your average coral. It’s like the ocean decided to throw a disco ball party, and only the coolest corals got invited. And there, under the sparkling disco lights, you’ll find the Amazeballs Goni, dancing its heart out with colors so vivid you’ll need sunglasses.

But here’s the catch: these corals are as exclusive as a VIP party at a sea slug's mansion. We aquaculture these limited beauties and release them just a few times a year, making them the unicorns of the coral world. So, when we say exclusive, we mean “lined up at the club, and you’re not on the list” exclusive.

How to Keep Your Balls Happy (Get Your Mind Out of the Reef)

Taking care of your Amazeballs Goni isn’t like babysitting a sea urchin. It’s more like nurturing a rare, underwater orchid that decides to throw a tantrum if the water isn’t just right. But fear not, fellow reef rascals, for I bring you the golden rules of Goniopora care.


Rule #1: Light It Up, But Not Like a Rock Concert


Your Amazeballs Goni loves the spotlight, but not too bright. Think more chill afternoon at the beach rather than midday on the equator. A moderate lighting setup will keep them grooving without getting sunburned.


Rule #2: Go with the Flow, But Don’t Blow Them Away


Water flow is like the gentle rhythm of a coral’s favorite tune. Too strong, and your Goni’s gonna feel like it’s in a mosh pit. Too weak, and it’s snoozeville. Find that sweet spot where the tentacles sway like they’re listening to the ocean’s greatest hits.


Rule #3: Dinner and a Show


Feeding your Amazeballs Goni is less about the food and more about the presentation. These guys like to catch their dinner from the water, so think of it as throwing them tiny, edible confetti. A mix of phytoplankton and zooplankton makes for the perfect coral feast. Remember, a well-fed Goni is a happy Goni.


The Art of Being an Amazeballs Parent

Keeping your Goniopora thriving is a bit like having the coolest pet on the block. Sure, it might not fetch your slippers, but it’ll dazzle your friends and transform your tank into an underwater wonderland.

And remember, folks, these Amazeballs Gonis are like the rarest Pokémon – everyone wants one, but only the dedicated trainers (or in this case, aquarists) can truly bring out their best. So, if you’re lucky enough to snag one of our ultra-exclusive, aqua-cultured Gonis, treasure it. Because in the world of corals, it doesn’t get more amazeballs than this.



In the end, whether you're in it for the glory of nurturing one of the ocean’s most spectacular inhabitants or just for the bragging rights of having the most amazeballs tank on the block, remember: every Goniopora has its day. Make sure yours has its best days ahead. Happy reefing, and may your corals be ever vibrant and your aquarium antics ever amusing.



There you go, a dive into the care of the elusive Amazeballs Goni with a side of humor and edginess. Enjoy making your reef tank the envy of the underwater world! keep an eye out on our Instagram for our  exclusive drops.